Mrs M Bryne - Chair (Safeguarding)
My name is Mandy Bryne. I am the manager of Gt Clacton pre-school, which is located at Burrsville Infant Academy. The pre-school gained its Outstanding grading in Spring 2015. I have had links with Burrsville Infant Academy for many years as my four children all attended here during their primary school years. I now have two grandchildren and am proud that they both currently attend Burrsville.
Mrs J. Searles - REAch 2 Governor
My name is Julie Searles. I am one of the Governors at Burrsville Infant Academy. I have two children and live in close proximity to the school. I work as a Financial Adviser and Director of my own business that is based in Tendring. I like to play an active role in the local community and having a young family myself I am interested in supporting our local primary school and education services. I am also Treasurer for a local Parent Teacher Association, as well as being involved in other local committee groups.
Mr M. Bimson - REAch 2 Governor
My name is Mark Bimson and I am a REAch2 governor and also the Health and Safety Governor. I have two adult sons and one young daughter who attended Burrsville.
I took on this post in 2019, through some strange times. My work as an Assistant Manager of a distribution warehouse overseeing a team and fleet gives me great skills in managing health and safety and provides me with valuable and up to date information that I can help implement into the school.
Being a governor is very rewarding and having previously been a parent at the school, I wanted to give back to not only the school but the headteacher and her team.
Out of work and school, I enjoy a variety of things mostly involving my family life.
REAch2 Academy Trust has over 60 schools and is organised into 10 clusters. Our school is part of Cluster 6.
Schools in this cluster are:
Colchester - Unity Primary Academy, Camulos Academy
Clacton - Kirby Primary Academy, Burrsville Infant Academy, Sir Martin Frobisher Academy
Ipswich - Martlesham Primary, Sprites Primary Academy
All our schools share the same governance structure and you can find information about the trust on the REAch2 website at The Governance page gives details of how the Trust is organised, including the Articles of Association, the Master Funding Agreement and all the documents which relate to how the Trust was founded and how it runs today. You can also find details of who our trustees are.
Our school, like all the schools in the Trust, has a local governing body (LGB). There is a scheme of delegation, which details how the LGB should work. The LGB hold meetings during the year in which they help to support and challenge the school, its leadership and pupils to make sure that everyone achieves their full potential.
Our school’s LGB is made up of three trust-appointed members, who are volunteers, one parent, two staff members and our headteacher. Other members of staff can be invited to meetings to discuss current issues. All governors must declare that they are working for the school in an open and honest way and fill in a Register of Interests and Record of Attendance.
The LGB also works alongside a cluster board where cluster-wide issues are discussed. The Cluster Board is made up of volunteers, just like an LGB, with headteachers and chairs of governors.